/home/PEPS/pranotiraut ******************************************* ***COMSOL progress output file*** ******************************************* Fri Mar 04 20:55:20 IST 2022 COMSOL Multiphysics 5.3a (Build: 180) starting in batch mode Opening file: /home/PEPS/pranotiraut/model2_53samp.mph Open time: 2591 s. Running: Study 2 <---- Compile Equations: Time Dependent in Study 2/Solution 2 (sol2) ----------- Started at 4-Mar-2022 21:48:44. Geometry shape order: Linear Geometry shape order: Linear Running on 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU at 2.40 GHz. Using 2 sockets with 4 cores in total on himem1. Available memory: 1546.85 GB. Current Progress: 0 % - Compiling equations Memory: 799/799 6181/6181 Current Progress: 2 % - Compiling equations Memory: 989/1162 6371/6584 Time: 2635 s. (43 minutes, 55 seconds) Physical memory: 1.16 GB Virtual memory: 6.58 GB Ended at 4-Mar-2022 22:32:40. ----- Compile Equations: Time Dependent in Study 2/Solution 2 (sol2) ----------> Current Progress: 0 % - Memory: 1398/1398 6638/6638 Current Progress: 2 % - Dependent Variables 1 /******************/ /*****Error********/ /******************/ The following feature has encountered a problem: - Feature: Dependent Variables 1 (sol2/v1) Internal error in solutionMerge End of file reached. - File block size: 4 Saving model: /home/PEPS/pranotiraut/model2_53sampsol.mph Total time: 15412 s. /******************/ /*****Error********/ /******************/ End of file reached. - File block size: 4 ERROR: Failed to start COMSOL. For details, see the log file /home/PEPS/pranotiraut/.comsol/v53a/logs/batch6.log ERROR: Additional information: End of file reached.