R 0 "Reflectance of a perfect anti-reflective coating" ld 0.5[um] "Junction depth" R_series 0[ohm] "Series resistance" irradianceModel 1 "Irradiance model, 0 for Earth's oustise atmosphere, 1 for Earth surface" AU 1.496E11[m] "Astronomical units" Area 1[cm^2] "Cell exposed surface area in cm^2" tmax 1[m]/c_const "Simulation time" lcell 10[um] "Simulation thickness" H0 1353[W/m^2] "Reference irradiance (solar constant)" R_shunt 1e12[ohm] "Shunt tesistance" p_doping 1e19[1/cm^3] "Peak emitter doping, p-type" lambdaMin 263.8[nm] "Minimum wavelength from refractive index data. We consider that the cell doesn't respond to wavelength smaller than lambdaMin." T 300[K] "Cell temperature" aziCell 5 "Cell azimuth angle in degree" Tsun 5777[K] "Effective temperature of the Sun" n_doping 5e15[1/cm^3] "Uniform base doping, n-type" nbrsec 60*60*24 "The number of second in one day" altitude 620[m] "Altitude in m" Rsun 695700000[m] "Radius of the Sun in m" tiltCell 8 "Cell tilt angle in degree" lambdaMax 826.6[nm] "Maximum wavelength from refractive index data. We consider that the cell doesn't respond to wavelength larger than lambdaMax." Hsun sigma_const*Tsun^4 "Blackbody irradiance of the Sun"