Coupling Hydrodynamics and Geophysics with COMSOL Multiphysics: First Approach and Application to Leachate Injection in Municipal Waste Landfills

C. Duquennoi[1], S. Weisse[1], R. Clement[1], and L. Oxarango[2]
[1]Cemagref, HBAN research unit, Antony, France
[2]LTHE, Grenoble, France
发布日期 2011

The efficiency of bioreactor lanfills depends on a homogeneous distribution of leachate in the waste body. Therefore, optimisation of leachate injection systems is a challenging issue for operators. Most studies have shown that surface Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) can be a suitable method to study moisture distribution (2D and 3D). But resistivity inversion models used to date are based on limitating hypotheses which induce distorsions in mapping electrical resistivity.

It is our goal to evaluate these distortions in a series of leachate injection scenarios, varying with such parameters as hydraulic conductivity values and anisotropy.
