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Custom density of water - rho(time)

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Hello everyone,

I'm using Comsol 3.5a. Is it possible to define a time dependent density also at steady-state (chemical engineering module-->momentum transport-->laminar flow-->incompressible Navier-Stokes)? For example, if I define (in expressions--> subdomain expressions):


I'll expect that, at steady state (t=+infinity), Comsol'll give me rho=1.

Thank you so much for your time.

2 Replies Last Post 2017年11月27日 GMT-5 11:18
Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 7 years ago 2017年11月27日 GMT-5 08:23
Updated: 7 years ago 2017年11月27日 GMT-5 08:31

Hello Federica,

In a steady-state analysis, t does not take the value + infinity. You could assign t=some large number by defining it as a parameter, but it would just be easier to simply replace your expression that depends on t with the value you want. BTW, rho for water should be close to 1000[kg/m^3]¸ not 1[kg/m^3].



Jeff Hiller
Hello Federica, In a steady-state analysis, t does not take the value + infinity. You could assign t=some large number by defining it as a parameter, but it would just be easier to simply replace your expression that depends on t with the value you want. BTW, rho for water should be close to 1000[kg/m^3]¸ not 1[kg/m^3]. Best, Jeff

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Posted: 7 years ago 2017年11月27日 GMT-5 11:18

Thank you so much Jeff.

Thank you so much Jeff.

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