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Calculation of the temperature maxima of the entire simulation

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Hello everybody,

I have simulated the time-dependent joule-heating of a structure, now I like to calculate the total maximum of the temperature which occurred during the entire heating and cooling process (only one value). My problem is that I’m only able to calculate the highest value for each time-step and not the highest value over all time-step. Is there a way how such a total maxima could be calculated?


1 Reply Last Post 2011年7月26日 GMT-4 03:33

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年7月26日 GMT-4 03:33
I have found that the value of a specific time-step could be displayed by using the at operator (at(time,variable). Is there any possibility to get the time-step at which the temperature maximum of the simulation had been occurred?

Thanks for help
I have found that the value of a specific time-step could be displayed by using the at operator (at(time,variable). Is there any possibility to get the time-step at which the temperature maximum of the simulation had been occurred? Thanks for help Sebastian

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