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How to solve for a physics, then use the results/outcome for a following analysis with different physics?

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1. Assume I have a simple bar/cantilever undergoing some mechanical force, and I solve for the deflection (this is straightforward - no problems here). Then, assume I want to use the bent/deflected bar as an antenna for example (or any other application like a harvester, resonator, etc). How do I use the results, or the solutions of this past physics, in my next physics? Meaning, I want to perform the new physics analysis/study on the BENT shape, not the original shape. How is this done?

2.. In general, my question is: if I need to perform/add a new analysis/study/physics on the RESULTS or OUTCOME of a previous study, how do I do that?

I hope I explained the problem well.

2 Replies Last Post 2012年7月16日 GMT-4 15:21
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年7月16日 GMT-4 14:17

you have a couple of choices, either you truna first study, save it and use it as the initial condition for another new study (change the default settings of the dependent variable sub-node.

But notice that if you deform a beam by a force, then save the result, and restart a new study AND if you do not lkeave the applied force, your beam as it is stressed, it will relae to its stress free shape, hence probably end back to a straight line. So take some care hoe you apply the new BC and how you cpouple the BC frome one study to the next

Good luck
Hi you have a couple of choices, either you truna first study, save it and use it as the initial condition for another new study (change the default settings of the dependent variable sub-node. But notice that if you deform a beam by a force, then save the result, and restart a new study AND if you do not lkeave the applied force, your beam as it is stressed, it will relae to its stress free shape, hence probably end back to a straight line. So take some care hoe you apply the new BC and how you cpouple the BC frome one study to the next -- Good luck Ivar

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年7月16日 GMT-4 15:21
Thanks Ivar for your response.

May you please be a little more specific and give me more details? You mention that i have to "change the default settings of the dependent variable sub-node."

Where is that done from?

You also said that I have a couple of choices but you only mention one:) What is the other way of doing that?
Thanks Ivar for your response. May you please be a little more specific and give me more details? You mention that i have to "change the default settings of the dependent variable sub-node." Where is that done from? You also said that I have a couple of choices but you only mention one:) What is the other way of doing that?

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