Step function in time dependent study

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I have using a step function in a time depenedent study where I want to increase my voltage from 0 to 75V in 4 ms. For this I have given voltage by this function Voltage*step2(t[1/s]). Here my input paramter Voltage is defined as 75V.

If I understand the attached graph correctly- it means at 0.003s , the voltage will be (75*0.85 = 63.75)V Is it correct interpretation?

1 Reply Last Post 2024年2月5日 GMT-5 10:16
Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 5 months ago 2024年2月5日 GMT-5 10:16
Updated: 5 months ago 2024年2月5日 GMT-5 17:17

Hello Shrutika,

Yes, from your plot it looks like step2(0.003) will return about .85. If you want to know the exact value, you can have COMSOL compute step2(0.003) via a parameter.



Jeff Hiller
Hello Shrutika, Yes, from your plot it looks like step2(0.003) will return about .85. If you want to know the exact value, you can have COMSOL compute step2(0.003) via a parameter. Best, Jeff


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