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Maximum number of Newton iterations reached

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I have imported a 3D meshed model from simpleware to COMSOL 4.3b.
Some of the materials of the model are Hyperelastic, Neo-Hookean.
While running the model via Direct Solver at 99% of progress there is an error:

Maximum number of Newton iterations reached
Returned solution is not converged.
-Feature: Stationary Solver1 (sol1/s1)
-Error: Failed to find a solution

Could you please help me how I can interpret this error and what the solution is?

4 Replies Last Post 2013年8月21日 GMT-4 06:20

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年7月23日 GMT-4 01:13

I have imported a 3D meshed model from simpleware to COMSOL 4.3b.
Some of the materials of the model are Hyperelastic, Neo-Hookean.
While running the model via Direct Solver at 99% of progress there is an error:

Maximum number of Newton iterations reached
Returned solution is not converged.
-Feature: Stationary Solver1 (sol1/s1)
-Error: Failed to find a solution

Could you please help me how I can interpret this error and what the solution is?

Dear Bahram,
Plz look into the solver configuration,
under fully coupled you will find "method and termination". Go and change number of iterations.

[QUOTE] I have imported a 3D meshed model from simpleware to COMSOL 4.3b. Some of the materials of the model are Hyperelastic, Neo-Hookean. While running the model via Direct Solver at 99% of progress there is an error: Maximum number of Newton iterations reached Returned solution is not converged. -Feature: Stationary Solver1 (sol1/s1) -Error: Failed to find a solution Could you please help me how I can interpret this error and what the solution is? [/QUOTE] Dear Bahram, Plz look into the solver configuration, under fully coupled you will find "method and termination". Go and change number of iterations.

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年7月23日 GMT-4 08:50
Thanks for your instruction.

I increased the maximum number of iterations in different steps; however, there is the same error.
Also, in some of the number of iterations, the error is:

'Attempt to evaluate negative power of zero'

The complete text of error is attached.

Could you please help me?

Thanks for your instruction. I increased the maximum number of iterations in different steps; however, there is the same error. Also, in some of the number of iterations, the error is: 'Attempt to evaluate negative power of zero' The complete text of error is attached. Could you please help me? Regards, Bahram

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年7月23日 GMT-4 11:58
I am not sure but it seems we are missing to define something i the beginning.
I am not sure but it seems we are missing to define something i the beginning.

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月21日 GMT-4 06:20
Hi All,

I am experiencing similar difficulties. Has anyone reached a resolution for this convergence problem or managed to find a solution in spite of 'max number of iterations' error?

Hi All, I am experiencing similar difficulties. Has anyone reached a resolution for this convergence problem or managed to find a solution in spite of 'max number of iterations' error?

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