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Disc quota exceeded

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Hi Guys,
I have a transient solution. The Comsol belongs to the university, so that we run it from the server. Everything goes well till I wanna save my work. The error "Disc quota exceeded" appears and does not let me to save the file. I believe the folder of mine on the server has small space, so that for large simulations it does not allow me to save the file.
Is there any way to directly import/export files from Comsol to my PC? At the moment I import/export files to my folder on the server and then transfer them to my PC.
I appreciate any kinda help.


5 Replies Last Post 2014年5月19日 GMT-4 05:08

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2014年5月16日 GMT-4 05:53
In comsol.ini file you can define the path for saving temporary files. I had this problem also, since the default disk was a system disk with only 10 GB space. In my laptop I have > 200 GB, so I changed the target to my personal hard disk. That stopped the error message.
In comsol.ini file you can define the path for saving temporary files. I had this problem also, since the default disk was a system disk with only 10 GB space. In my laptop I have > 200 GB, so I changed the target to my personal hard disk. That stopped the error message.

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2014年5月16日 GMT-4 06:05
Dear Lasse,
Thank you very much.
I really have no idea how to do that.
I use Putty. First I input my user name and pass, and then I enter "/usr/local/comsol43b/bin/comsol" command to have Comsol.
Would you please tell me how I can change the path?
Dear Lasse, Thank you very much. I really have no idea how to do that. I use Putty. First I input my user name and pass, and then I enter "/usr/local/comsol43b/bin/comsol" command to have Comsol. Would you please tell me how I can change the path?

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2014年5月16日 GMT-4 06:33
Locate the file "comsol.ini", then edit that file. Naturally I cannot say anything more, because I do not know how your system is managed.
Locate the file "comsol.ini", then edit that file. Naturally I cannot say anything more, because I do not know how your system is managed.

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2014年5月16日 GMT-4 07:08
OK. Thank you.
OK. Thank you.

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2014年5月19日 GMT-4 05:08
Hello Guys,
I still can not solve this problem. I would appreciate if someone may give me a hand in this regard.
Thanks a lot.
Hello Guys, I still can not solve this problem. I would appreciate if someone may give me a hand in this regard. Thanks a lot.

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