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Matlab with Comsol

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I need to run Matlab and Comsol simultaneously.

I have a m.file containing following function:

f(u1, t)

I also need to make a comsol model with two PDE as following:

PDE1: du1/dt + gradient(u2) = f(u1, t)
PDE2: grad(u2) = c*gradient(u1)

At each time, PDE1 is used to calculate u1, and then PDE2 is solved using u1 to calculate u2.

My question is how can I link my Matlab equation to Comsol for this purpose?


2 Replies Last Post 2011年1月6日 GMT-5 16:09

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年1月6日 GMT-5 03:28
Im not sure I fully understand what your asking but assuming you have your comsol model working and the livelink set up correctly...

In comsol V4.0 you will need to launch the comsol with matlab program.

Then into the matlab interface type:


this will export your comsol model to matlab. If you then type the name of your m-file into matlab it will execute all the commands stored within the m-file on the comsol model.

If i'm correct that will apply pde1 on the model? So then create another m-file to solve for pde2 and type it into matlab.

Hope that helps.

Im not sure I fully understand what your asking but assuming you have your comsol model working and the livelink set up correctly... In comsol V4.0 you will need to launch the comsol with matlab program. Then into the matlab interface type: model=ModelUtil.model('Model'); this will export your comsol model to matlab. If you then type the name of your m-file into matlab it will execute all the commands stored within the m-file on the comsol model. If i'm correct that will apply pde1 on the model? So then create another m-file to solve for pde2 and type it into matlab. Hope that helps. Chris

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年1月6日 GMT-5 16:09

Thank you so much :) I will try it.

Chris, Thank you so much :) I will try it. Samineh

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