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postmax command in matlab

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I am trying to translate some matlab code I have from version 3.5a to version 4.1. Could anyone tell me what the postmax command has been changed to? As I can't find anything in the documentation. For example, what would this be changed to:

e11 = postmax(fem, 'e1_smsld', 'solnum', 1);

Thanks and regards,


1 Reply Last Post 2011年1月6日 GMT-5 10:11

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年1月6日 GMT-5 10:11

If anyone is interested I have found a solution to this (even though there is still no postmax?!).

I created a matrix of the values im interested in and the max() function returns the maximun value of that matrix.


Hi, If anyone is interested I have found a solution to this (even though there is still no postmax?!). I created a matrix of the values im interested in and the max() function returns the maximun value of that matrix. Regards, Chris

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