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Integrating global variable over parameter values

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Hi all,

I'm simulating a solar cell having the wavelength go through different parameter values, and I have a global variable which is the absorbed spectral irradiance (as a function of the wavelength). I want to integrate this over all the wavelengths, to get the absorbed irradiance. So basically COMSOL is able to make the graph, but how do I get the area under it? I tried to use the quad operator, but it doesn't work. I'm even considerring splitting the area under the graph into rectangles, but COMSOL must be able to do it. I want to do this inside COMSOL, without having to use MATLAB.
Oh, and for some reason my file is 69 Mb, seems like it is too big to upload.



1 Reply Last Post 2011年4月7日 GMT-4 09:25
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年4月7日 GMT-4 09:25

I not sure any longer how it worked in 3.5 (or even if it was possible without using matlab).

In V4 you export the value to a table and sum it up therein (inside COMSOL)

Good luck
Hi I not sure any longer how it worked in 3.5 (or even if it was possible without using matlab). In V4 you export the value to a table and sum it up therein (inside COMSOL) -- Good luck Ivar

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