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Mesh query regarding open boundary FSI simulation

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I've got a model in FSI which consists of two inlets to a central reservoir with a membrane on top.
When I use normal mesh settings, the mesh quality at the inlets is horrible.
Am I forgetting a boundary condition? Or is there something I can do regarding the mesh?
I apply simple open boundary conditions to the inlets.
See attached picture, I've filtered to show only the worst mesh quality,

any idea how to improve this mesh?

1 Reply Last Post 2012年5月3日 GMT-4 10:31
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年5月3日 GMT-4 10:31

I beleive what you see is the boundary mesh limit, to make it mode dens, start meshing the inlets (and perhaps add the outlet), as a first tri boundary mesh, make it fine or extrremely fine, then leave COMSOL mesh "automaticall"y the rest with a reasonable resolution

Good luck
Hi I beleive what you see is the boundary mesh limit, to make it mode dens, start meshing the inlets (and perhaps add the outlet), as a first tri boundary mesh, make it fine or extrremely fine, then leave COMSOL mesh "automaticall"y the rest with a reasonable resolution -- Good luck Ivar

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