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3D geometry problems: strange helix and "could not resolve domain relations" error

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Hello everyone. I have some troubles to make my model and I hope someone can help me, because I am very new in Comsol and probably these problems are quite easy to solve.

I am trying to model an armored power cable (1 m length). The armor is composed by 44 steel wires (diameter of 10 mm) which are twisted with a particular pitch (see attached file). To avoid problems these wires are not in contact (see figure 3 on attached file), but building the geometry I have observed two problems:

1- Steel wires are formed by 44 helixes, but as can be seen in Figure 1, they look quite strange. In other situations the cross section of the steel wires are squares and not circles. However, when they are meshed, the final result is ok. Why they look strange on the geometry mode?

2- When I model the surrounding air with a cylinder (as I have seen in some comsol tutorials), I get an error message "could not resolve domain relations" (after a long time analyzing the model). What´s the problem? Can be related with how strange helixes are shown in the geometry mode? I am using "Form Union" with default relative repair tolerance.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

1 Reply Last Post 2012年7月17日 GMT-4 04:11

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年7月17日 GMT-4 04:11
Can anybody help?
I have tried with spline and beizer to make the helix, but I get the same error when I insert the external cylinder. Without this cylinder there is no error, but I need it to model the sorrounding air, as what I am trying to analyze is the magnetic field generated by the three-phase power cable.

Any suggestion will be welcome.
Can anybody help? I have tried with spline and beizer to make the helix, but I get the same error when I insert the external cylinder. Without this cylinder there is no error, but I need it to model the sorrounding air, as what I am trying to analyze is the magnetic field generated by the three-phase power cable. Any suggestion will be welcome.

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