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Materials data viewing and editing

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I'm pretty new to COMSOL, and I don't know how to view all of the properties of all of the materials in my model.
The edit box inside COMSOL is a bit restrictive in viewing what I'm putting in.

I also just did a plot with multiple curves on it, and the legend is not visible even though I've checked it.

3 Replies Last Post 2012年9月7日 GMT-4 12:34
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年9月6日 GMT-4 23:17

I'm not sure I catch all your remarks, but you must be aware that you must often adapt the main and the sub-plots nodes to get what you desire

Good luck
Hi I'm not sure I catch all your remarks, but you must be aware that you must often adapt the main and the sub-plots nodes to get what you desire -- Good luck Ivar

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年9月7日 GMT-4 10:27
I've changed the plot options and I think I understand what they should do, but the legend doesn't appear when I click "Plot".

Can you give me any feedback on how to see all of my property data?



I'm not sure I catch all your remarks, but you must be aware that you must often adapt the main and the sub-plots nodes to get what you desire

Good luck

I've changed the plot options and I think I understand what they should do, but the legend doesn't appear when I click "Plot". Can you give me any feedback on how to see all of my property data? Carl [QUOTE] Hi I'm not sure I catch all your remarks, but you must be aware that you must often adapt the main and the sub-plots nodes to get what you desire -- Good luck Ivar [/QUOTE]

Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年9月7日 GMT-4 12:34

well I cant just now and still not for a few days, as I'm 17'000 km away from my COMSOl WS ;)
but there must be other out here on COMSOL, if not try support.

Have you applied last patch, by the way ? See the main web site

Good luck
Hi well I cant just now and still not for a few days, as I'm 17'000 km away from my COMSOl WS ;) but there must be other out here on COMSOL, if not try support. Have you applied last patch, by the way ? See the main web site -- Good luck Ivar

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