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Integration of two variables in two different models

Andres David Barbosa Niera

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I'm running two 2D mode analysis calculations on two different electromagnetic models with the same geometry but different materials. I would like to calculate an integral of the product between one of the components of the electric field in the first model and one of the components of the electric field in the second model. However I haven't figure out how to do it using COMSOL given that the integrals it allows me to do are integrals with the variables of the same mode (meaning with the same effective refractive index) and not between other modes (even of the same structure). I was wondering if anyone has an Idea on how to do it or if there is any COMSOL version that does it and I'm not aware of.

Thank you very much for any help you can bring me.


1 Reply Last Post 2012年9月7日 GMT-4 12:32
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年9月7日 GMT-4 12:32

I havent done it for different model files (without dumping part of the results into csv files or via Livelink to Matlab, but the latter even, since v4 has arrived, I seldom use.

but if your 2 models are in the same file, you can make global variables or define projection operators and project one field onto another, and then take differences and integrate over some entitiy. Only requirement, from my understanding, some logics on the way you map one field results onto a new geoemtrical entity

There is also, in the lastest version the Join data set, something I need my self to study further, to really understand all its possbilities

Good luck
Hi I havent done it for different model files (without dumping part of the results into csv files or via Livelink to Matlab, but the latter even, since v4 has arrived, I seldom use. but if your 2 models are in the same file, you can make global variables or define projection operators and project one field onto another, and then take differences and integrate over some entitiy. Only requirement, from my understanding, some logics on the way you map one field results onto a new geoemtrical entity There is also, in the lastest version the Join data set, something I need my self to study further, to really understand all its possbilities -- Good luck Ivar

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