Creating Interpolation Curve using Expression

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I want to create a 3D Interpolation Curve using an expression. For instance, let's use this simple example:


resulting coordinates would be:

x-y-z- 0;0;0 1;2;0 2;4;0 ...

I am trying to enter the expression "2x" in the "y" column (see image) but that returns a "x variable unknown" error. I obviously don't have the right approach.

Any suggestion?

Thanks, PL

1 Reply Last Post 2024年3月19日 GMT-4 09:33
Edgar J. Kaiser Certified Consultant

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Posted: 3 months ago 2024年3月19日 GMT-4 09:33

With that expression you can set up an analytical function.

Edgar J. Kaiser
emPhys Physical Technology
With that expression you can set up an analytical function.


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