Simulated Magnetic Field is not symmetrical

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I am doing a time-dependet study where the 4 magnets rotate using Rotating machinery, Magnetic (rmm).

The goal is to simulate eddy currents of a nearby obejct and affected magnetic flux density. To evaluate the effect of the object, I am meassuring at two cut points 3D with the same distance from the magnets, one point is at Z:-240 (see picture) and the other at Z=-240. I am plotting the magnetic flux density of the two points over time.

Without an object present, I would expect the value at +240 and -240 to be indentical. But that is not the result I am getting.

I have attached the meassured magnetic flux density at two points. One image shows rmm.normB, the other rmm.Bz and the last all vector components. The absolute value of the Z-component seems to be nearly the same (delta = 1,5μT). The X and Y components have a delta of roughly 35μT.

What could be the reasons for these results? Bad mesh? Bad solver settings?

Thanks for any advice in advance!

Best regards, Felix


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