How to export all plots and all plot data for every experiment in a Parametric Sweep?

Andy Breuhaus-Alvarez

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I am running a parametric study on a 3D model. I have a cut plane dataset that I am using to generate a 2D surface plot. I want to export every 2D surface plot as an image, and also export a .csv of the dataset. I want to do this for each parameter in the parametric study, with the parameter values automatically placed in the filename. Can this be done in Comsol?

I can do this manually, by manually writing out the filename and then exporting each 2D surface plot as an image and then a .csv dataset for every single different parameter in the sweep, but I will be doing a large sweep, and it is not feasible to sit and do that for every single experiment in the sweep.

I have tried exporting the plot data in a CSV format all at once, but I get the error "Data can only be exported if the same mesh is used for all parameters" (see attached image)


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