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connecting two horizontal plates

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I'm trying to simulate a layered wooden beam. the wooden beam has 2 different types of wood that follow each other up in the cross section of the beam. By connecting these plates with glue the overall strenth of the beam can be improved. what I am missing in my model is the glue. At the moment the plates all move seperately over eachother and no horizontal stress is transfered from one plate to the other.
Is there any way to connect the surfaces of the plates so they transfer both stress and deformation. Can I glue two plates of different materials together?

any help would be greatly appreciated.
thank you

2 Replies Last Post 2013年8月13日 GMT-4 13:51
Josh Thomas Certified Consultant

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月12日 GMT-4 14:14

Use a form union rather than a form assembly as the settings on the finalize node of your geometry sequence (ie don't model the contact between the layers). This will "weld" the layers together and enforce continuity of displacement on the common boundary of the layers (you will see stress transfer in this case). This will simulate a "perfectly glued" layered structure.

Best regards,
Josh Thomas
AltaSim Technologies
Raf, Use a form union rather than a form assembly as the settings on the finalize node of your geometry sequence (ie don't model the contact between the layers). This will "weld" the layers together and enforce continuity of displacement on the common boundary of the layers (you will see stress transfer in this case). This will simulate a "perfectly glued" layered structure. Best regards, Josh Thomas AltaSim Technologies

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月13日 GMT-4 13:51
thank you
I figured it would be simple, I never would have found it using google or the tutorials.
thank you I figured it would be simple, I never would have found it using google or the tutorials.

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