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I built a working 2D model of a redox flow battery and now I am trying to convert this model into 3D.
I used the same BCs and the same initial values but it does not converge.
I get the error message:
Failed to find consistent initial values.
Last time step is not converged.

Does anyone have some advice?

Thanks in advance,

1 Reply Last Post 2013年8月14日 GMT-4 11:16

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月14日 GMT-4 11:16
Hi Michael,

Usually, this error comes up in my models when I have insufficient number of constraints on my system or if the mesh density is not high enough. Since you have been able to run the model in 2D you probably have all the BC;s you need and you need more mesh density.

I tried running your model at a higher mesh density but I am unable to because of my limited computational resources. I would suggest decreasing the size of your domain, i.e. make the electrode smaller. Also, I would mesh it such that you have higher mesh density close to the membrane and current collectors, this is because you can expect large potential and current gradients in those regions.

Hi Michael, Usually, this error comes up in my models when I have insufficient number of constraints on my system or if the mesh density is not high enough. Since you have been able to run the model in 2D you probably have all the BC;s you need and you need more mesh density. I tried running your model at a higher mesh density but I am unable to because of my limited computational resources. I would suggest decreasing the size of your domain, i.e. make the electrode smaller. Also, I would mesh it such that you have higher mesh density close to the membrane and current collectors, this is because you can expect large potential and current gradients in those regions. best, Sri.

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