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Error after 300 iteration steps

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I am very new to COMSOL multiphysics.
I am using CFD> non-isothermal to simulation the room temperature.
After 300 iteration steps, I received the error mas at attched.
I shall be very thankful if anyone assist me.

Aung Myat

2 Replies Last Post 2013年8月25日 GMT-4 21:09

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月25日 GMT-4 17:13

I am not expert on CFD module, but I guess in your equation you reported here the square root should be different than zero (either because you have a fraction in the sqrt, or because this equation is then used somewhere else). Therefore, try to add in your equation a very small value, let's say 1e-6, both at numerator and at the denominator, to avoid possible singularities.

Hi, I am not expert on CFD module, but I guess in your equation you reported here the square root should be different than zero (either because you have a fraction in the sqrt, or because this equation is then used somewhere else). Therefore, try to add in your equation a very small value, let's say 1e-6, both at numerator and at the denominator, to avoid possible singularities. Bests

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月25日 GMT-4 21:09
Hi fabio,
Thank for the reply. i will try it.

Aung Myat
Hi fabio, Thank for the reply. i will try it. -- Aung Myat

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