3D rarefied molecular flow simulation to understand measurements performed in deuterium plasmas

S. Béchu1, M. Mitrou2, P. Svarnas2, J. L. Lemaire3, A. Bès1, A. Lacoste1
1Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Universit ́e Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, F-38026 Grenoble, France
2High Voltage laboratory, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras, Rion-Patras 26504, Greece
3Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay (ISMO), CNRS - Université Paris-Sud (UMR 8214), 91405 Orsay, France
发布日期 2020

Molecules of deuterium in particular rotational and vibrational states are involved in non-equilibrium chemical reactions in tokamak or in neutral beam injector to produce negative ion D-. These molecules are produced in a complex plasma phase where electrons, ions (positive and negative), molecules, atoms, photons interact with each others and with plasma-facing surfaces. The DESIRS beam line at the SOLEIL synchrotron (Saclay, France) allows an accurate investigation of these Deuterium states and could explain where they are more likely created. However, these measurements also unveil a depletion of these molecules between plasma-ON and plasma-OFF conditions. A 3D modeling of rarefied flow of D2 molecules in the experimental structure helps to find a possible explanation of this observed depletion.
