
各个行业的工程师和科研人员都在使用多物理场仿真来研发创新的产品设计和流程。他们在 COMSOL 用户年会上展示了丰富的技术论文和演示文稿,您可以从他们的研究成果中寻找灵感。


查看 COMSOL 用户年会 2020 论文

Bioscience and Bioengineeringx


吴淑莲 [1], 李晖 [2], 李志芳 [2],
[1] 福建师范大学,福州,中国
[2] 福建师范大学,福州,中国

引言:激光诱导间质肿瘤热疗法是一种可使生物组织局部地方凝结坏死的肿瘤疾病治疗方法,目前已经用于肝、脑等各部位的肿瘤治疗[1-2]。为了更好地进行肿瘤疾病的治疗,需要实时地对组织的温度和热损伤进行监控 ... 扩展阅读

基于 DTI 纤维追踪和有限元力学模型的脑损伤轴突纤维损伤研究

李娜 [1], 李江红 [2]
[1] 中南大学湘雅三医院,长沙,湖南,中国
[2] 中车集团南车研究所,株洲,湖南,中国

研究头部损伤机理是对运动撞击中脑损伤进行预测的有效手段。数学模型是分析损伤实验数据、预测人员碰撞损伤程度的唯一方法,但现有的头部损伤有限元模型基于尸体实验数据,且忽略脑组织结构的各向异性 ... 扩展阅读

MCA 动脉瘤血流动力学分析

刘孟杰 [1], 付芳芳 [2], 李萌 [1]
[1] 郑州大学,郑州,河南,中国
[2] 郑州大学附属省人民医院,郑州,河南,中国

动脉瘤破裂是引起蛛网膜下腔出血的一种主要原因。结合 COMSOL Multiphysics® 灵活的几何建模特性以及强大的流体仿真求解能力,本文分别对两组不同大小关系的 MCA 动脉瘤理论模型进行了仿真建模分析 ... 扩展阅读

Acoustic-Mechanic Modeling of Polydimethylsiloxane in the MHz Regime for Metamaterials Applications

Lucrezia Maini1, Prof. Christofer Hierold1, Dr. Cosmin Roman1
1Micro- and Nanosystems, ETH Zurich, 8092, Zurich, Switzerland

Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is a biocompatible material widely used in biomedical applications such as ... 扩展阅读

Ionic Neuromodulation and Neurosensing Platform for In Vitro Studies

Jacopo Nicolini1, Federico Leva1, Claudio Verardo2, Pierpaolo Palestri3, Luca Selmi1
1Unimore - Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
2Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
3Università degli studi di Udine

Overview We successfully simulated a template iontronic system for closed-loop neuromodulation and ... 扩展阅读

Modeling of Oxygen Metabolism in 3D Cell Constructs with LiveLink™ for MATLAB®

P. Mancini1, F. Fontana2, E. Botte1, F. Biagini2, C. Magliaro1, A. Ahluwalia1
1Research Center “E. Piaggio”, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy - Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
2Research Center “E. Piaggio”, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

In silico models can be exploited to predict cellular dynamics, such as resource uptake, migration and ... 扩展阅读

Multiphysics Inertial Particle Focusing (IFP) Model Validated for 3D Microfluidic Geometries

G. Spinola Durante1, D. Bayat1

Inertial focusing of particles in a fluid flow is a physical effect induced by inertial forces already ... 扩展阅读

3-D Modeling of Light, Flow, Mass and Heat Transfer in Coral Colonies

Martinez Jimenez Fernan David1, Murthy Swathi2, Picioreanu Cristian1, Kühl Michael2
1King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Water Desalination and Reuse Center, Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
2Marine Biology Section, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Strandpromenaden 5, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark

Corals are symbiotic marine organisms greatly dependent on the dynamic gradients of light, temperature and ... 扩展阅读

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in Carbonate Buffered Media for Biosensing Applications

Y. Abbas1, A.R.M. Verschueren1, J.F.M. Oudenhoven1
1imec at Holst Centre, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is a technique commonly used to investigate the properties of ... 扩展阅读

Modeling the Indoor Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by Botanical Biofiltration

Allan A. Alvarado-Alvarado1, S. Denys1
1Sustainable Energy, Air and Water Technology Research Group (DuEL), Department of Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

Historically, indoor air quality (IAQ) has received less attention than outdoors, although people spend >90% ... 扩展阅读

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