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Defining Maxwell Stress Tensor as Global Equation

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I have defined MST as Global Equations:

When I try to simulate it I get the following error message:
"Failed to evaluate variable Jacobian.
- Variable: E
- Global scope"

I think E(electric field) is defined in the RF Module as a variable.

Is there something wrong with my syntax?

Thanks a lot,

1 Reply Last Post 2011年2月16日 GMT-5 01:07
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年2月16日 GMT-5 01:07

I encounter such problems when I either
a) use by error some already defined COSMOL variables names
b) if I define some variables on a boundary and I use them on a domain

The latter is more tricky, when you define your variables, they can be defined locally or globally, they might have only a sens to be evaluated on a boundary, but you might need them globally (all over) to i.e. define a derivative (what is needed for the Jacobian) then you must use a linear or global extrusion to make your variable globally available, based on some mapping rule. Another way, but you need really to know what you are doing ;) is to use the nojac() operator, to exclude the variable from the Jacobian evaluation

Good luck
Hi I encounter such problems when I either a) use by error some already defined COSMOL variables names b) if I define some variables on a boundary and I use them on a domain The latter is more tricky, when you define your variables, they can be defined locally or globally, they might have only a sens to be evaluated on a boundary, but you might need them globally (all over) to i.e. define a derivative (what is needed for the Jacobian) then you must use a linear or global extrusion to make your variable globally available, based on some mapping rule. Another way, but you need really to know what you are doing ;) is to use the nojac() operator, to exclude the variable from the Jacobian evaluation -- Good luck Ivar

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