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Laser - Projecting curves over surfaces

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I'm currently starting a new model, may you have ideas:

The final goal is to move a delimiting edge (the laser beam) over oblique or complex-shaped geometries.
Precedent study shows great accuracy of modeling a laser beam over a flat surface, now I want to do the same over an oblique surface (relative to beam incident plane) .

So, imagine a workplane on which is drawn a circle. Then I want to project that circle over an oblique face of a 3D object.
Thus the projected circle will then come as an ellipse on the oblique face.
(See attachement for more clarity)

The first idea that came out was to use MatLab (LiveLink) to evaluate relative position of the 3D object to the laser beam workplane, then manually calculate the shape of the projected circle on that surface.
As I never used Livelink, long run is expected...

Well, if you have any tips or advices, It would be appreciated.


3 Replies Last Post 2011年3月29日 GMT-4 15:43
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年3月29日 GMT-4 00:41

if its a HT model you want, cant you make your laser beamrotate along a circle w.r.t. a user coordinate frame, and then parametrise the position of the cylindrical coordinate frame. ? OK you need to get the Z coordinate location by a projection, of you want only a surface interaction.

Good luck
Hi if its a HT model you want, cant you make your laser beamrotate along a circle w.r.t. a user coordinate frame, and then parametrise the position of the cylindrical coordinate frame. ? OK you need to get the Z coordinate location by a projection, of you want only a surface interaction. -- Good luck Ivar

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年3月29日 GMT-4 07:39
Hi Ivar,

Thanks for reply.

Yes, I want the surface of interaction, defined by a circle projected on an oblique surface. (turning out into an ellipse on the oblique surface).

On CAD software like Solidworks it is really easy to achieve this.
Hi Ivar, Thanks for reply. Yes, I want the surface of interaction, defined by a circle projected on an oblique surface. (turning out into an ellipse on the oblique surface). On CAD software like Solidworks it is really easy to achieve this.

Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年3月29日 GMT-4 15:43

unfortunately the internal CAD version of COMSOL cannot "project" and create a new obbject (apart show/visualise the projection)

Good luck
Hi unfortunately the internal CAD version of COMSOL cannot "project" and create a new obbject (apart show/visualise the projection) -- Good luck Ivar

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