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3D meshing

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I have importer a 2D geometry in the workplane in 3D model. Then, I extrude it to 3D and create a mesh. But the mesh shows some error mentioning 'Internal error in boundary respecting'

What does this mean? and how can I solve this problem.


2 Replies Last Post 2011年10月27日 GMT-4 13:20
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年10月27日 GMT-4 13:09

most probably that means that your geoemtry is not "clean" you do not have "poly-lines" in 2D (line segments that are correctly attached one to the other. Or that you have small overlaps on the geometry. You could try to increase the resolution when you import, all depends on the size of your parts. Check the doc, or redo the geoemtry in COMSOL ;)

Good luck
Hi most probably that means that your geoemtry is not "clean" you do not have "poly-lines" in 2D (line segments that are correctly attached one to the other. Or that you have small overlaps on the geometry. You could try to increase the resolution when you import, all depends on the size of your parts. Check the doc, or redo the geoemtry in COMSOL ;) -- Good luck Ivar

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年10月27日 GMT-4 13:20
Hi Ivar,

Thanks for the reply.. But regarding geometry being clean, I have used the same geometry for 2D analysis and it works perfectly. When importing it to the Workplane (3D), I checked the geometry without extruding, it is all fine. But as soon as I extrude it, I see that there are some random protruding of lines (seen if you zoom to the maximum).

I'll try by setting the resolution to the highest, but I doubt on that. :)
Hi Ivar, Thanks for the reply.. But regarding geometry being clean, I have used the same geometry for 2D analysis and it works perfectly. When importing it to the Workplane (3D), I checked the geometry without extruding, it is all fine. But as soon as I extrude it, I see that there are some random protruding of lines (seen if you zoom to the maximum). I'll try by setting the resolution to the highest, but I doubt on that. :)

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