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Any way to do nested models?

Andrew Prudil Nuclear Materials

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Hi everyone,
I was wondering if there is any way to easily create nested models? I have a geometry and I wish to solve another geometry a number of points on the model. Physically it is a pellet (6mm radius) and I wish to model the individual crystal grains at a number of points (~10um radius). Right now I am doing this for 26 points.

Currently I have modified the geometry to for a point at each location. I then created model coupling operators that allow me to pass the information between models. Is there a better way? It is a very tedious to build a model and requires you to add a bunch of points and a lot of operators. Once built is it hard to change the number and position of the points.

Ideally comsol would include some sort of a nested model feature. This would allow you to run a model at a number of coordinates in a larger model without having to set up a large number of coupling operators. Thoughts anyone?

1 Reply Last Post 2011年12月9日 GMT-5 00:57
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年12月9日 GMT-5 00:57

can you use the periodic BC conditions ?

Good luck
Hi can you use the periodic BC conditions ? -- Good luck Ivar

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