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Intro to Simulating Optoelectronic Devices with COMSOL Multiphysics®

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please can anyone share this .mph file discussed in this event https://www.comsol.com/video/intro-to-simulating-optoelectronic-devices-with-comsol-multiphysics-sep-19-2018

1 Reply Last Post 2020年8月10日 GMT-4 15:59
Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 5 years ago 2020年8月10日 GMT-4 15:59
Updated: 5 years ago 2020年8月10日 GMT-4 16:54

Hello RaghuRama,

In general, materials developed by COMSOL are copyrighted to us and may only be obtained from COMSOL, and you are then invited to please contact your COMSOL representative to request such materials. In this case however, I believe the file you are looking for is made available for public download from this link.

Best regards,


Jeff Hiller
Hello RaghuRama, In general, materials developed by COMSOL are copyrighted to us and may only be obtained from COMSOL, and you are then invited to please contact [your COMSOL representative](https://www.comsol.com/contact/) to request such materials. In this case however, I believe the file you are looking for is made available for public download from [this link](https://www.comsol.com/model/gaas-pin-photodiode-19705). Best regards, Jeff

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