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unplausible resultsof ACDC module; export problem?

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I'm simulating an experiment and calculate the electric fields in my setup. The results are exported as a textfile which contains the result table. Those results are imported to MATLAB for further use.
While debugging I noticed, that the COMSOL results seem way off, as neighbouring meshpoints have extremely different field values (up to 10 orders of magnitude, differing signs).
My question is: Did I do something wrong while exporting, or should I look for mistakes in my model? Is this a known Problem?

I tried to include my model file, but the forum wouldn't let me (12 MB). So I try to explain some details in short:
rectangular grounded plate
hollow cylinder with electric potential above the ground plate, distance ~20 cm
That's basically it! there are two more plates further away, but that shouldn't be the problem...

Edit: Maybe some screenshots can clarify the whole problem. Screen1 is just an overview, screen2 a top view to show the cylinder in detail. A big block of air surrounding the whole thing is hidden both times to makes everything else visible.

1 Reply Last Post 2012年7月17日 GMT-4 04:22

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年7月17日 GMT-4 04:22
So, I slightly modified my geometry: filling the cylinder and moving it up a bit helped a little. The differences in the electric field are a little lower now (still like 3-4 order of magnitude). Could that be for the strong field inside the cylinder? Any ideas?
So, I slightly modified my geometry: filling the cylinder and moving it up a bit helped a little. The differences in the electric field are a little lower now (still like 3-4 order of magnitude). Could that be for the strong field inside the cylinder? Any ideas?

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