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Linking problem when developing GUI with java API

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Hello everyone!

I am trying to develop a custom GUI in java using COMSOL API. I am following the guidelines in the API Reference, but if I try to paint the result on the GUI, I get a linking exception in Java (UnsatisfiedLinkError).

The part of the code that yields the exception is:

SwingGraphicsPanel graphicsPanel = new SwingGraphicsPanel("window1","Window1");

I am developing in ubuntu linux 12.10 64bit.

I have already set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to: /home/andres/Programs/COMSOL43/lib/glnxa64/

Does anyone have a similar problem?

Thank you for your help.

Andres !

1 Reply Last Post 2012年12月14日 GMT+8 08:16

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年12月14日 GMT+8 08:16
By the way... I attach the code


By the way... I attach the code DemoGuiComsol: BeamModel:

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