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What the hell is the Y parameter on the FSI example?

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I was reading about this example: that uses the MEMS module for show the FSI capacity of COMSOL and the ALE implementation.

All it's ok until I read about the inlet velocity expressed as:

U0 = u_mean*6*(H-Y)*Y/H^2

I understand and I see where comes u_mean, but in any place you explain what the hell is Y???

I can imagine Y could be the length of the channel or perhaps the height of the membrane placed in the middle.

Could you explain me what means that Y and why the U0 expression has that form?

3 Replies Last Post 2014年12月19日 GMT-5 10:32

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Posted: 10 years ago 2014年11月4日 GMT-5 21:04
It is the 'y' position in the Material Frame. You can read more about it in the "About Frames" section of the Reference Manual, under Deformed Geometry and Moving Mesh

Steven Conrad, MD PhD
LSU Health
It is the 'y' position in the Material Frame. You can read more about it in the "About Frames" section of the Reference Manual, under Deformed Geometry and Moving Mesh -- Steven Conrad, MD PhD LSU Health

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Posted: 10 years ago 2014年12月18日 GMT-5 16:11

Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 10 years ago 2014年12月19日 GMT-5 10:32
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As a gentle reminder, the Discussion Forum rules state "Offensive Posts, Links or Images: Do not use profanity, racial, ethnic, religious, or other slurs, or post, or any other offensive material." Best regards, Jeff

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