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In a diode or a transistor, when a p-n junction is reverse-biased (the p-side is connected to a lower ... 扩展阅读
In this example, phase transformation data and phase material properties are imported from JMatPro, and used ... 扩展阅读
This model demonstrates the caustic effect produced by a cylindrical mirror. It highlights the advantages of ... 扩展阅读
本例通过移动和缩放几何结构中的矩形,使用形状优化来设计波导滤波器。通过对初始几何结构中的孔径进行优化,以确保获得良好的带通响应和带外抑制效果,并保持双镜对称性。其中采用 EGO 优化求解器找到接近全局最小值的设计 ... 扩展阅读
In this extension of the model Optical Scattering off a Gold Nanosphere, the transmission spectra due to ... 扩展阅读
随着制造和加工技术的不断进步,自由曲面光学重新受到了人们的关注。在本“案例库”示例中,我们将探讨一种称为 Alvarez 透镜的特定设计,通过两个互补的圆锥曲面相对横向移动来调节光功率。 扩展阅读
This example shows how to set up an ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC) as an actuator for a robotic manta ... 扩展阅读