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View global data in Matlab

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Dear all,
I calculated the magnetic force between two magnets. I can get the force through postprocessing->data display->global and write name_forcex_emqa under the expression. The force is then displayed in the dialog.
I have now saved the .m file and run the simulation in matlab.
How can I get the resulting magnetic force? Which command should I use?
I need this because I would change the geometry and run various simulation and automatically display force.

Thank you


4 Replies Last Post 2010年12月21日 GMT-5 01:21

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2010年12月20日 GMT-5 07:10
Hi Blaz,

if you are working with COMSOL 3.5, I think you are looking for this command:
data = postglobaleval(fem, 'name_forcex_emqa')
Find your results in the structure under data.y

Good luck
Hi Blaz, if you are working with COMSOL 3.5, I think you are looking for this command: data = postglobaleval(fem, 'name_forcex_emqa') Find your results in the structure under data.y Good luck Stefan

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2010年12月20日 GMT-5 07:39
I tried that and I get:

>> data = postglobaleval(fem, 'mag1_forcex_emqa')
??? Error using ==> postglobaleval at 70
Expression must be a cell array.

Thank you very much for your support

I tried that and I get: >> data = postglobaleval(fem, 'mag1_forcex_emqa') ??? Error using ==> postglobaleval at 70 Expression must be a cell array. Thank you very much for your support Blaz

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2010年12月20日 GMT-5 08:43
There was a little mistake. You have to write the variables as a cell array. Now we have:
data = postglobaleval(fem, {'mag1_forcex_emqa'})

Good luck
There was a little mistake. You have to write the variables as a cell array. Now we have: data = postglobaleval(fem, {'mag1_forcex_emqa'}) Good luck Stefan

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2010年12月21日 GMT-5 01:21
Thank you very much. It works :)
Thank you very much. It works :)

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