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Infinite elements in general PDE mode

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I implemented multiphase flow via the general PDE mode and I couple it to electric potential (conductive media) measurements. It is no problem to active or build infinite elements in the AC/DC module, but is it possible in the PDE mode?

Thank you and best regards...


1 Reply Last Post 2011年2月9日 GMT-5 11:30

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年2月9日 GMT-5 11:30

maybe it's possible. But if, I guess it wouldn't be easy. Maybe you can define a new type of element. For the math behind this topic I refer to this paper:

Zienkiewicz, OC ; Emson, C. ; Bettess, P.: A novel boundary infinite element.
In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (1983)

kind regards
Hi, maybe it's possible. But if, I guess it wouldn't be easy. Maybe you can define a new type of element. For the math behind this topic I refer to this paper: Zienkiewicz, OC ; Emson, C. ; Bettess, P.: A novel boundary infinite element. In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (1983) kind regards

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