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The average value of surface.

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Hello, I am new in using COMSOL 4.2. I need to create a 2D model of permanent magnet and show its magnetic field. (This I already have - I hope correctly - I created a big square (AIR) with permeability 1 and there smaller rectangle (MAGNET). Magnet is created of premagnetized Iron with permeability 4000 and magnetization 750 [kA/m]).

Now in this magnetic field I need to mark the surface and calculate the mean value of intensity magnetic field in this surface. Then this surface to move a little further and again calculate the mean value of intensity magnetic field. Then again move....

Can someone help me?
I think, the solve will be in postprocessing and probably using parametric variables, but I am not able to do it.

Thanks to all for help.


1 Reply Last Post 2012年6月9日 GMT-4 05:23
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年6月9日 GMT-4 05:23

always possible with matlab, but the "lazy" way would be to make several rectangles in an "onion layer" configuration for your "air" and then select the boundaries to integrate the field over these, as a series of Derived Values nodes, and then plot the resulting table

You have the "layer" advanced feature in the geoemtrical nodes, tes it out

Good luck
Hi always possible with matlab, but the "lazy" way would be to make several rectangles in an "onion layer" configuration for your "air" and then select the boundaries to integrate the field over these, as a series of Derived Values nodes, and then plot the resulting table You have the "layer" advanced feature in the geoemtrical nodes, tes it out -- Good luck Ivar

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