Dirichlet boundary not working

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I add a Dirichlet boundary at the interface of two coefficient form PDE whose indepedent vairables are p and u,v, respectively. I want to have a boundary condition of p=alpha*u+beta*v, for example. So I add a Dirichlet boundary condition in first PDE denoting the formula alpha*u+beta*v. However, the results show this condition is not working because the contour shows the value of p and alpha*u+beta*v are not the same at very near to the interface. Is there any wrong in my model?

1 Reply Last Post 2024年7月15日 GMT-4 17:33
Robert Koslover Certified Consultant

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Posted: 3 months ago 2024年7月15日 GMT-4 17:33

This sounds like a great opportunity for you to post your a .mph file to the forum, so that readers here can see exactly what you did, and then -- very possibly -- can help identify what went wrong.

Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
This sounds like a great opportunity for you to post your a .mph file to the forum, so that readers here can see exactly what you did, and then -- very possibly -- can help identify what went wrong.


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