Lightning Strike on FFRP Plate Simulation

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The objective is to obtain a numerical simulation of an experiment already performed in the laboratory. The test consists of replicating the impact of a lightning strike on a square composite plate

Based on various studies, the effects observed during a lightning strike include:

Thermal Effects:

  • Resistive Joule heating due to lightning current flow in electrically conducting structures
  • Direct heat input at the arc root area from the hot plasma channel

Transient Mechanical Force Effects:

  • Shock waves from the supersonic expansion of the lightning plasma channel
  • Magnetic volume forces due to impressed current flow in electrically conducting structures
  • Shock waves caused by exploding or vaporized materials (such as metallic foils, epoxy resin, and carbon fibers)

Considering my current setup, the only phenomena being replicated are the Joule Effect and the heating produced by the application of current.

With this in mind, what are COMSOL's capabilities regarding the other phenomena?

Which of these effects can be reproduced and coupled in COMSOL? Which modules should be used for these simulations?

0 Replies Last Post 2024年7月20日 GMT-4 18:28
COMSOL Moderator

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