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Simulation of Stirling Engine

Mikael Noerregaard Nielsen

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Hello everybody

I'm currently trying to simulate the fluid flow in a stirling engine (beta) which I've built from the following video:
You should try building it;-)

My problem is that I'm not very experienced using COMSOL (only made one model before using the CFD-module) so I'm having quite a bit of difficulty setting the model up. I'm following a CFD course (no heat transfer course though) at my university but we don't use COMSOL but MATLAB. I wanna start off slow with the COMSOL model by trying to just model the free convective flow which occurs when heat is added to the bottom of the "can" and water cooling to the sides at the top.

My questions are as follows:

I) Which physics should be used? Conjugate heat transfer or non-isothermal flow or some other?
II) In the model I've tried using the Convective Cooling but should I just use a negative heat flux instead?
III) Why is the wall condition (no slip) not satisfied?
IV) Do the initial values act as a boundary condition or are they just a guess for the solver to initiate the calculations?

I've added a model which shows the geometry and what I've tried to add to the model but pay no heap to the number/parameters as I've just been playing around a bit.



5 Replies Last Post 2013年8月4日 GMT-4 14:13

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年4月24日 GMT-4 10:22
Hi Mikael,

I also build an beta engine and would love to model it - can I ask is the comsol cfd opensource or free to download?
Hi Mikael, I also build an beta engine and would love to model it - can I ask is the comsol cfd opensource or free to download?

Mikael Noerregaard Nielsen

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年5月3日 GMT-4 08:36
Sorry for the very late reply!

Of course you can use it although its no where near being accurate. If you want me to I can upload the model when I get it working.

Best regards

Sorry for the very late reply! Of course you can use it although its no where near being accurate. If you want me to I can upload the model when I get it working. Best regards Mikael

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月1日 GMT-4 02:31

Are you still in this? Have you got any success?

Hi! Are you still in this? Have you got any success? regards, zhivko

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月1日 GMT-4 07:26
Hello Mikael,

Here is one version of model.

Best regards

Tero Hietanen
Hello Mikael, Here is one version of model. Best regards Tero Hietanen

Mikael Noerregaard Nielsen

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月4日 GMT-4 14:13


Are you still in this? Have you got any success?


Hi Zhivko

I just got back from a holiday so sorry for the lack of respons. Never got a fully working model running. I'll check out the model from Tero soon (tomorrow) but you are welcome to look at my model if you're interested.
Best regards
[QUOTE] Hi! Are you still in this? Have you got any success? regards, zhivko [/QUOTE] Hi Zhivko I just got back from a holiday so sorry for the lack of respons. Never got a fully working model running. I'll check out the model from Tero soon (tomorrow) but you are welcome to look at my model if you're interested. Best regards Mikael

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