Henrik Sönnerlind
COMSOL Employee
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1 decade ago
2013年6月10日 GMT-4 03:43
There is no built-in elastoplastic material for the truss elements. There are however ways in which you can perform such a simulation anyway.
As long as you are only increasing the external load, there is no difference between an elastoplastic material and a nonlinear elastic material. You can for example then enter Young's modulus as
E0*((abs(truss.een)<=eps_y) + eps_y/(truss.een+eps)*((truss.een>eps_y)-(truss.een<(-eps_y))))
Here E0 is modulus of elasticity in the elastic regime, and eps_y is the strain at yield. truss.een is the axial strain.
The expression is based on that stress = E * strain so that
stress = E0*truss.een when -eps_y<=truss.een<=eps_y
stress = E0*eps_y = sig_y when truss.een>eps_y
stress = -E0*eps_y = -sig_y when truss.een<-eps_y
If you have a situation where the load is not monotonously increasing, the situation is a bit more complex. The you will need to add a 'state' variable to keep track of the plastic strain, and the expression above needs a modification.
There is no built-in elastoplastic material for the truss elements. There are however ways in which you can perform such a simulation anyway.
As long as you are only increasing the external load, there is no difference between an elastoplastic material and a nonlinear elastic material. You can for example then enter Young's modulus as
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1 decade ago
2013年6月11日 GMT-4 11:30
I was thinking a solution similar to this might be possible. I very appreciate you spelling it out for me. I will give this a shot later today. Thanks again!
I was thinking a solution similar to this might be possible. I very appreciate you spelling it out for me. I will give this a shot later today. Thanks again!
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1 decade ago
2013年10月24日 GMT-4 06:48
I read the discussion and I found it very interesting.
I'm trying to replicate the elasto-plastic behavior of a cable by truss element.
The cable has a tension-only behavior.
Can you give me an example of a state variable to keep track of the plastic strain? (eg. plastic work..)
How can I implement an incremental elastic-plastic problem in COMSOL?
Is there any example?
I read the discussion and I found it very interesting.
I'm trying to replicate the elasto-plastic behavior of a cable by truss element.
The cable has a tension-only behavior.
Can you give me an example of a state variable to keep track of the plastic strain? (eg. plastic work..)
How can I implement an incremental elastic-plastic problem in COMSOL?
Is there any example?