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Selecting a point

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I want to get the co-ordinates of an arbitrary region within my model so I can see how the pressure changes at that point. Does anybody know how to do this?

2 Replies Last Post 2013年8月21日 GMT-4 06:57

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月21日 GMT-4 06:16
If you are in your geometry section, select the point of interest (make sure you have 'select points' selected, a button just above your working field (next to the 'Scene light/flash light' button). Select this point (left click + right click), then you click on the 'Measure button' in the top of your screen, which looks like a Ruler. This will show you the X,Y,Z - coordinates of the selected point. You can also measure distances with this Ruler button by selecting 2 different points. Good luck
If you are in your geometry section, select the point of interest (make sure you have 'select points' selected, a button just above your working field (next to the 'Scene light/flash light' button). Select this point (left click + right click), then you click on the 'Measure button' in the top of your screen, which looks like a Ruler. This will show you the X,Y,Z - coordinates of the selected point. You can also measure distances with this Ruler button by selecting 2 different points. Good luck

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年8月21日 GMT-4 06:57

if you need the coordinates, you can go to the node Geometry -> right click on it -> Measurements. And then in "Geometric entity level" you choose Point. Then you can select your point and see its coordinates.

In case your question includes also how to check the pressure in that point, you can use "Domain Point Probe" and choose pressure as variable to be evaluated. Alternatively, in Results you can use "Cut Point 3D (or 2D)" and use a normal 1D plot, where you define the variable pressure.

Hi, if you need the coordinates, you can go to the node Geometry -> right click on it -> Measurements. And then in "Geometric entity level" you choose Point. Then you can select your point and see its coordinates. In case your question includes also how to check the pressure in that point, you can use "Domain Point Probe" and choose pressure as variable to be evaluated. Alternatively, in Results you can use "Cut Point 3D (or 2D)" and use a normal 1D plot, where you define the variable pressure. Regards

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