Resources on Training Surrogate Models for Faster Simulation Apps

Autonomizing Simulation Apps

Include data-driven surrogate models in the simulation apps you build with the COMSOL Multiphysics® modeling software to provide app users with near-instantaneous simulation results based on their inputs. Use timer events to connect simulation apps with external sensors, databases, and web services to build and operate apps as effective digital twins.

The latest version of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software features state-of-the-art technology based on advanced function approximation such as DNN, combined with a new surrogate model training study that generates training data from a multiphysics model.

Example Applications for Download

Download documentation and MPH-files to see examples of how to use surrogate models in simulation apps. All files are free to download, but you need a COMSOL® software license or trial to open the MPH-files.

Thermal Actuator

A cropped screenshot of the thermal actuator app UI.

The Thermal Actuator Surrogate Model app shows how to accelerate the computation for a multiphysics analysis using a surrogate model for a fully parametric geometry model.

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Battery Rate Capability

Placeholder alt text that describes image.

The Surrogate Model Training of a Battery Rate Capability Model app shows the use of a surrogate model function (DNN) for predicting the rate capability of an NMC/graphite battery cell.

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Tubular Reactor

Placeholder alt text that describes image.

The Tubular Reactor Surrogate Model app shows how computational speed can be increased with the use of a surrogate model instead of a full-fledged finite element model.

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