Engineering Tools for Neutron Instrumentation
In our laboratory LIN we develop unique scientific instruments, components and sample environment devices, mainly for the neutron spallation source SINQ in Switzerland. There are also in kind contributions to the European spallation source ESS in Lund, Sweden.
I use COMSOL Multiphysics® for more than 15 years. In this poster presentation I will limit myself to device developments, in which I used the electromagnetics module AC/DC.
With our simulation models we calculate for example, what happens with a massive, electrically conducting sample container (e.g. a pressure cell) during a sudden quench of a high field cryomagnet (e.g. at 11 T).
Other models compute the forces on cryomagnets, which are located in a magnetizable environment, like a heavy radiation shielding of steel. These models also give information, whether magnetic field sensitive components (e.g. electronics) can survive at a certain place in the stray field of the cryomagnet.
We also simulate magnetic guide fields for polarized neutrons.
To each of the above mentioned simulation models I appended a COMSOL Simulation App. In case of interest, we could later release the COMSOL Simulation Apps, to make them available to the European neutron scattering community. We envisage these apps increasing the capabilities of a device developer.

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