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Geometry units

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I want to draw my geometry in micro meters in comsol 3.5(a). Drawing it in meters gives very small view of certain portions. Does any one knows how to draw in micrometers?


3 Replies Last Post 2012年8月9日 GMT-4 13:22
Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年8月8日 GMT-4 10:12
Drawing in units other than meters is a feature that was added at version 4. It is not present in earlier releases.
Drawing in units other than meters is a feature that was added at version 4. It is not present in earlier releases.

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年8月9日 GMT-4 10:56
But recently I went through a manual regarding MEMS and I found out that we can enter dimensions in any unit and than just supply the scale for the drawing. I guess this is how we can draw geometries in any convenient units.
But recently I went through a manual regarding MEMS and I found out that we can enter dimensions in any unit and than just supply the scale for the drawing. I guess this is how we can draw geometries in any convenient units.

Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012年8月9日 GMT-4 13:22
That manual has to be recent, because the feature you're describing did not exist until version 4.
That manual has to be recent, because the feature you're describing did not exist until version 4.

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