Optimizing Harmonic Response Analysis for AIV in a Complex Pipeline Using Aeroacoustics-Structural Simulation Methods

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I am researching the harmonic response of AIV (Acoustic-Induced Vibration) phenomena with Aero Vibro-acoustics within a pipeline. The goal is to analyze the harmonic response of the pipeline caused by vibrations from the acoustic sources generated by aeroacoustics. However, the pipeline I’m examining is 21 meters long, with conditions involving two inlet branches and one outlet branch, with all three branches parallel to each other and connected by a main horizontal pipe segment. Do you have any suggestions for optimizing this?

I then explored a second method: conducting broadband noise analysis with a much faster steady-state CFD simulation. My idea is to manually translate the sound source distribution from the aeroacoustic simulation mapping and convert it into quadrupole point sources in the acoustic-structural module. Is this second approach feasible, and if so, what would be a valid way to perform this conversion?

0 Replies Last Post 2024年11月15日 GMT-5 01:28
COMSOL Moderator

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