Boundary condition

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Hello everyone,

I am working on a 1D model in the Heat Transfer in Solids (ht) module. I would like to improve a Robin boundary condition where I know the equation for the interface temperature, which varies over time, as follows:


  • T_SS(t): The temperature of my mold, which varies over time.
  • b_s and b_p The thermal effusivities of the steel (mold material) and the polymer (fluid), respectively.
  • T: The temperature from the previous step.

I tried to implement it only as a boundary temperature as

" if(t<=0, T_0, (T_SS(t)b_s + Tb_p)/(b_s + b_p)) "

but it doesn't work (T_0 is the initial temperature of my polymer ) I would appreciate any suggestions or guidance on implementing this. Thank you!

0 Replies Last Post 2024年12月19日 GMT-5 13:59
COMSOL Moderator

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