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Simulating a Magneto-caloric effect in Comsol

Vitul Raj Govindaraju

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I have a problem in which i have a permanent magnet. In regards to theory of Magneto-caloric effect, if i pass the magnetic field to the gadolinium(rare earth, lanthanide group in periodic table), there will be an increase of temperature(in Gd) due to magneto-caloric effect and when i remove the magnetic field from the Gadolinium, the temperature decreases and drop below the room temperature. My questions are:
1) I can able to create a block of Gd using the Gd's physical property but how to create a block of permanent magnet in Comsol?
2) Do i need to use a step/ramp function when i want to increase or decrease the temperature in the Gd, due to MCE?

Please advise and thanks in advance.

1 Reply Last Post 2013年2月15日 GMT-5 14:22
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013年2月15日 GMT-5 14:22

I'm not familiar with that phenomeny, but you need to add some equations to transform the magnetic field into the related thermal effect. Currently I know only Joule heating from Eddy current induction of a moving object in a magnetic field (or an immobile object in a changing field).

It's not only some material properties, its also some "physics" correction to add any aditional coupling

Good luck
Hi I'm not familiar with that phenomeny, but you need to add some equations to transform the magnetic field into the related thermal effect. Currently I know only Joule heating from Eddy current induction of a moving object in a magnetic field (or an immobile object in a changing field). It's not only some material properties, its also some "physics" correction to add any aditional coupling -- Good luck Ivar

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