Boundary Prescribed Displacement

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Hi community,

I am using prescribed displacement to discover the bistable buckling now. I find that even I only want to apply the displacement in y-direction and set 0 to other directions, check or un-check the box has huge influence on my force vs displacement graph.

The attached screenshots are different settings and results

3 Replies Last Post 2025年3月10日 GMT-4 17:24
Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 4 days ago 2025年3月10日 GMT-4 10:04

I am not sure I understand your question. Changing the boundary conditions is expected to change the solution. Do you have a specific reason to expect the solution not to change in this case?


Jeff Hiller
I am not sure I understand your question. Changing the boundary conditions is expected to change the solution. Do you have a specific reason to expect the solution not to change in this case? Jeff

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Posted: 4 days ago 2025年3月10日 GMT-4 17:01

Hi Jeff,

Sorry for not clarify it clearly, I am trying to do a post buckling study like the below:

So I am applying the prescribed displacement to my structure, and I want that displacement only in one direction (y). I don't understand why even I set the condition in other two directions as "0", check or un-check them still make such big difference on my result.

Hi Jeff, Sorry for not clarify it clearly, I am trying to do a post buckling study like the below: So I am applying the prescribed displacement to my structure, and I want that displacement only in one direction (y). I don't understand why even I set the condition in other two directions as "0", check or un-check them still make such big difference on my result.

Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 4 days ago 2025年3月10日 GMT-4 17:24

Hello Quan,

If you do not check the checkbox, then the constraint is not applied.



Jeff Hiller
Hello Quan, If you do not check the checkbox, then the constraint is not applied. Best, Jeff


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