A First Principles Approach to Electron Beam Lithography using COMSOL Multiphysics® Simulation Software
Abstract: Line resolution, uniformity and focusing are the three (3) most important factors in the use of electron-beam lithography to form either high resolution masks or direct-write device etch patterns. This paper will present the observations and analyses made from a group of COMSOL Multiphysics® modeling studies that explore the influence of the electron energy, the coil constant, and the coil current on the beam depth of focus and the beam diameter ratio (starting beam-diameter/focused beam-diameter). Nominal value: 4
The Magnetic Lens model (COMSOL 10185) employs the COMSOL Multiphysics®AC/DC Module, Particle Tracing Module and the Charged Particle Tracing interface. The mathematical relationship of the focal length of the magnetic lens is given by:
Where: f = focal length
K = coil constant
V = electron accelerating Voltage
i = coil current
Results: It is expected that the both the beam-ratio and the depth of focus will increase as accelerating voltage decreases and the coil current increases.
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