Fast Biofluid Transport of High Conductive Liquids Using AC Electrothermal Phenomenon, A Study on Substrate Characteristics
AC electrothermal (ACET) micropumps are based on the temperature gradient caused by Joule heating or an external heat source in the bulk of an electrolyte. In this paper, a 2D simulation was performed to study the effect of substrate thickness and material (glass and silicon) for an ACET micropump configuration. Electric field distribution was obtained assuming coplanar asymmetric microelectrodes. Temperature distribution was then achieved assuming Joule heating as the source of heat in the system. Next, Navier-Stokes equations were solved assuming laminar flow physics. The results show that using thick glass substrates can increase the ACET flow rate up to 230 μm/s at the height of ~10 μm above the electrode surface compared to 113 μm/s for silicon substrates.

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